• KOMAN Integrated Solutions improves EMR safety rating
    KOMAN Integrated Solutions is proud to announce a significant improvement in our Experience Modification Rate, EMR, a key indicator of workplace safety. Previously a 0.76, the change to 0.72 reflects our dedication to fostering a culture of safety and efficiency across all operations.

KIS developed and implemented a comprehensive Corporate Safety and Health (S&H) Program that contains integrated procedures for planning, controlling, and enforcing safety in the workplace. Our team of KIS professionals develop, administer, and continually update our KIS Program and provide guidance and training to employees throughout all levels of the organization. We are committed to safety, and to a corporate culture in which all employees are knowledgeable of potential workplace hazards.

KIS has and continues to achieve excellence. We work hard to maintain a high level of performance. This commitment has resulted in zero accidents or injuries in the 3-year history of the firm and zero OSHA ORIR, TRIR, or DART cases in our history. This outstanding safety record has been achieved in rigorous, safety-challenging environments.

The emphasis of our KIS Program is continuous improvement. This along with the implementation of innovative practices, allow us to accomplish the objective of strengthening each aspect of our KIS Program to achieve our ongoing goal of zero injuries and/or illnesses. We maintain the belief and establish the culture that the safety and quality of life of our employees is our first priority and must never be compromised during the course of conducting our business.