Your ANC 8(a) partner
OUR EXPERIENCE: KIS has proven past performance in government/commercial contracting and operations in many states. With KIS, our clients receive utmost attention to their projects and we excel at satisfying client goals and objectives. We devise our project strategy(ies) to meet designated client specifications and are efficient at adapting to changing on-site conditions.
OUR PEOPLE: Our personnel are known experts in their relative fields and always act to undertake programs in the most cost-effective manner possible, while meeting or exceeding established safety requirements and industry standards. We have an extremely lean overhead structure that benefits our clients by leaving these dollars in on-site project activities. [/span4][span4]
OUR PARTNERS: We have solid teaming partners and subcontractors who know how to complete their tasks on-time, under accelerated schedules, and within specified budgets. KIS provides a “complete” team to address your project needs.
A contract with KOMAN Integrated Solutions, LLC nets the government or a Prime Contractor the procurement benefit of best-value products, PLUS the contracting efficiencies and financial benefits of employing an Alaska Native Corporation SBA 8(a) participant.
Speed and thrift in awarding contracts.
The government’s Contracting Officers (C.O.) are faced with declining budgets and a growing backlog of contracts that those budgets are to support. Consequently, they require both speed and thrift in awarding contracts to qualified vendors. But, the cost of awarding a contract through competitive bidding can run into hundreds of thousands of dollars and take up to nine months to complete. By contrast, a single-source, Direct Award to an ANC 8(a) typically costs a fraction of that amount and often can be completed in 4-6 weeks.
Ensuring competitive Overhead and General & Administrative cost rates.
Because Alaska Native Corporations such as KIS are large enough and efficient enough to ensure competitive Overhead and General & Administrative cost rates, the C.O. risks little in that regard. And, by using the ALPHA Contracting model, the government and its contractor develop a transparent relationship wherein the C.O. is virtually guaranteed the ability to negotiate a fair and reasonable price with few of the uncertainties associated with the competitive bidding process.
The Direct Award process, properly executed, can be an exceptionally cost-effective and operationally-efficient alternative to competitive acquisition.
Small Business Utilization and Incentive Rebates of up to 5% of the total contract value
Direct Awards to ANC 8(a) participants such as KOMAN Integrated Solutions generally cannot be protested {13CFR124.517(a)}. Against the extended delays resulting from protests to hotly-contested awards, this advantage alone can save a C.O. many weeks of uncertainty before project start-up. Awards by U.S. Government activities or Prime Contractors to Alaska Native Corporations such as KIS may be eligible for Incentive Rebates of up to 5% of the total contract value, under the Indian Incentive Program {FAR 26.1}. Also, a contract or subcontract with KIS helps a C.O. or Prime Contractor meet its mandatory Small Business Utilization requirements.
Getting Started
If a solicitation has not been announced, a C.O. can, through 13CFR124.506(b), contract directly with KIS. To get started, simply submit a letter to the Small Business Administration District Office in Anchorage, Alaska indicating an intent to offer a Direct/Single-Source Award to KOMAN Integrated Solutions, LLC, under the SBA Section 8(a) Business Development Program.
This process enables our federal clients to easily negotiate contracts and address specific objectives, all at minimum cost and in minimum time.